Here are some teasers for recent blog posts available on the new site:
- I start with the obligatory meta-discussion of blogging and of the new website. (It's interesting, my cube-mate on the Sakai side of things dived right in with discussion of term-based site filtering in Sakai. I'm occasionally accused of being insufficiently technical and there's probably some truth to it.)
- I've started a series of blog posts on favorite uPortal features. So far I've covered addressing channels by functional name and pluggable error channel rendering.
- There is a post discussing the provisioning and use of channel controls.
- Another post motivates why your campus desperately needs a portal anyway.
- And CWebProxy is a favorite uPortal feature in a class all its own, so it rated its own blog post.
Please, drop by, read what you may find useful, and feel free to avail yourself of the commenting feature to let me know what you think, tell me to be more technical, or more generally guide what kind of posts would be welcome.